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Townsville Bulletin: Mine pain for owners

Publish date: Saturday, 23 November 2013

Content type: News

Fairfax: ERA shares facing pressure over uranium leak

Publish date: Monday, 09 December 2013

Content type: News

Mirarr People want massive uranium deposit brought into Kakadu National Park

Publish date: Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Content type: News

Koori Mail: True champion for his people

Publish date: Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Content type: News

The Australian: Culling crocs a bone of contention in Kakadu National Park

Publish date: Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Content type: News

Guardian: Rio Tinto's stance on Kakadu cleanup alarms Indigenous owners

Publish date: Thursday, 24 April 2014

Content type: News

Kakadu site of Australia's earliest home

A team of archaeologists and dating specialists have new proof that Aboriginal people have been in Australia for at least 65,000 years — much longer than the 47,000 years believed by some archaeologists. The new findings have been published in Nature magazine this week.

Publish date: Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Content type: News

Guardian: What anti-Adani protesters can learn from the Jabiluka blockade

Publish date: Tuesday, 03 April 2018

Content type: News

NITV: Traditional Owners celebrate Native Title win in the heart of Kakadu

The hard-fought battle for native title over Jabiru in the Northern Territory has been finally won.

Publish date: Friday, 09 November 2018

Content type: News

ABC: Jabiru Native Title claim victory for Mirarr Traditional Owners

Traditional owners in Jabiru, 300 kilometres east of Darwin, are celebrating after their native title rights and interests were successfully recognised under Australian law.

Publish date: Friday, 09 November 2018

Content type: News

Rio Tinto majority crucial for Ranger clean-up

There should be no expectation that any investment in ERA will be recouped from the development of the Jabiluka deposit, for which there is no traditional owner support.

Publish date: Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Content type: News

Mirarr solidarity message on 75th anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear destruction

The Mirarr acknowledge with sadness the seventy-fifth anniversaries of the nuclear bomb attacks at Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th and 9th.

Publish date: Thursday, 06 August 2020

Content type: News

Ten years on: Kakadu Traditional Owners remain saddened by ongoing Fukushima disaster

Mirarr have expressed their continued sadness on the tenth anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

Publish date: Thursday, 11 March 2021

Content type: News

Cost to clean up Ranger leaps to $1.6 - $2.2 billion

Publish date: Wednesday, 02 February 2022

Content type: News

Mirarr welcome Ranger clean up commitment from Rio Tinto

Mirarr Traditional Owners have welcomed statements from mining giant Rio Tinto about the future of the controversial Ranger and Jabiluka sites within the World Heritage listed Kakadu National Park in Australia’s Northern Territory.

Publish date: Saturday, 09 April 2022

Content type: News

Jabiluka deposit will never be mined

The Mirarr traditional owners today welcomed the renewed commitment from Rio Tinto to the comprehensive rehabilitation of the Ranger uranium mine at Kakadu and the company’s acknowledgement of the long-standing Mirarr opposition to the development of the adjacent Jabiluka deposit.

Publish date: Thursday, 28 July 2022

Content type: News

Mining report flags sacred site destruction

Senior Traditional Owner Yvonne Margarula says: “It seems nobody has learned anything from the Juukan Gorge disaster. I’ve been telling the world about the sacred sites for forty years and still they don’t listen. We have said “no” and “no means no”. I stood up with my family and with people from everywhere, all over the world, we all said no.”

Publish date: Wednesday, 28 September 2022

Content type: News

ERA minorities completely wrong on Jabiluka

Further mining at Kakadu insane

Publish date: Monday, 10 October 2022

Content type: News

Rio downgrades Jabiluka, why won't ERA?

The Mirarr Traditional Owners of the Ranger uranium mine and the Jabiluka mineral lease welcome Rio Tinto’s reporting last week of the Jabiluka uranium deposit. The world’s second-largest mining company, which owns over 86% of Energy Resources of Australia (ERA), will “no longer report a Mineral Resource for Jabiluka” . In addition to noting the opposition of the Mirarr Traditional Owners, Rio Tinto has acknowledged that the deposit does not currently have reasonable prospects of eventual economic extraction. It simply does not stack up.

Publish date: Sunday, 26 February 2023

Content type: News

Jabiluka’s permanent protection a key test of Australia’s heritage laws

“We do not support a longer lease at Jabiluka” Mirarr Traditional Owner Corben Mudjandi said today. “Three generations of Mirarr: my grandfather and his brothers, my father and aunties, and now my cousins and I have said many times that Mirarr will never say yes to mining at Jabiluka. Why can’t ERA hear us?”

Publish date: Friday, 01 September 2023

Content type: News

GAC corrects recent reporting by Energy Resources of Australia Ltd

Mirarr are concerned by repeated references in ERA Annual Reports to options to extend the Jabiluka Mineral Lease. The reporting inaccurately describes the position of the Mirarr.

Publish date: Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Content type: News

Empty words with a $2 billion dollar price tag from Kakadu uranium miner

“ERA says it wants to protect our cultural heritage at Jabiluka, the best way of doing that is to include it in the World Heritage listed Kakadu National Park where it belongs,” Mr Mudjandi said.

Publish date: Thursday, 21 March 2024

Content type: News

Traditional Owners welcome ERA’s back-flip on Ranger rehabilitation

Mirarr have welcomed the announcement today that uranium miner Energy Resources of Australia has appointed majority shareholder Rio Tinto to manage the complex, high-stakes Ranger Rehabilitation Project.

Publish date: Wednesday, 03 April 2024

Content type: News

Traditional Owners welcome NT Government support at Jabiluka

Senior Traditional Owner Yvonne Margarula said: “We came to this meeting today for an answer. I am happy to say that the Territory Government understands we will never agree to mining at Jabiluka. My father said no, I’ve been saying no for over thirty years.”

Publish date: Friday, 19 April 2024

Content type: News

ERA plans put Jabiluka in jeopardy and Kakadu at risk

The relationship between the Mirarr and ERA has been in tatters since last month when ERA applied to extend the Jabiluka mineral lease until 2034 despite announcing a funding crisis. ERA claims extending the lease is to protect internationally significant Mirarr cultural heritage at the site, while vocal shareholder Willy Packer continues to spruik mining.

Publish date: Wednesday, 24 April 2024

Content type: News

NT Government stands up for Kakadu National Park

Mirarr have always said we will never agree to mining at Jabiluka. This is sacred country and needs protection

Publish date: Wednesday, 05 June 2024

Content type: News

Claims about mining Jabiluka are bogus

Mirarr Traditional Owners of the Jabiluka mineral lease, have today called on both sides of Territory politics to end bogus speculation about uranium mining at Jabiluka ahead of the Territory election.

Publish date: Friday, 19 July 2024

Content type: News

Jabiluka’s priceless heritage permanently protected

Mirarr Senior Traditional Owner Yvonne Margarula said: “We have always said no to this mine, government and mining companies told us they would mine it but we stayed strong and said no. Today I feel very happy that Jabiluka will be safe forever. Protecting country is very important for my family and for me”

Publish date: Friday, 26 July 2024

Content type: News

About Us

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Uranium Mining

Uranium has had an impact on the lives of the Mirarr and their community for over four decades

Content type: Page